+62 778 7486216 +62812 76663599

A Little About Us
The Inspection Company You Can Depend On
PT WENS has been a reliable Indonesian Inspection Company since 2015. Being a great service provider means having complete and total confidence in the people providing those services, and we’re proud to have the best pros in the business working with us. With a focus on personalized service, competitive rates, and customer satisfaction, we’re always striving to meet and exceed our high standards and our clients’ expectations.
RT, UT, MT, PT, VT, PAUT, TOFD, ET, VT, PMI, DR Services Available.
PT WENS is associated with WENS Group which is providing such services all over Asia since 1983. Over 30 years of regional experience is now to share with you in your region. An international local service provider.
The company is dedicated for Safety, Quality & Integrity